If you have been receiving notification reminders but all of a sudden they stopped, there is a quick and easy way to get them back: just open the app again. This simple solution should fix the problem.
Open the Prayminder app. This should trigger notification reminders to start arriving again. If they don't arrive after a day, please send us a message so we can further investigate.
Why is this happening?
We have designed and developed Prayminder to be secure and respect your privacy. For this reason, notification reminders are being sent by your own device, so that your praylist is never uploaded to the Internet and practically never leaves your own device. This ensures maximum safety for your data, however it comes with the downside that sometimes notifications may stop arriving if you haven't opened the app after some days. We're working on a way to improve this and ensure a constant flow of notification reminders while still maintaining the highest levels of privacy for your data.